
Western Canada's Urban Forests

Places, people, and events promoting trees and urban forests in Western Canada. Did we miss your favorite? Let us know and we'll add them to the list.

EcoWest News, May 3, 2022

From hydro power, oil refineries, and clothing to butterflies, cougars, and tiger beetles - nature and environmental news from across the West.

Species Diversity: 4 Very Different BC Bats

We tend to talk about bats as if they were all identical in appearance, habitat, and habits. But that’s far from the truth. The Spotted Bat, Hoary Bat, Pallid Bat, and Californian Myotis are very different one from another.

EcoWest News, April 26, 2022

News from across Western Canada and around the world with concrete ideas for protecting nature and ensuring environmental sustainability - EcoWest News, April 26

Orchids of Western Canada

An introduction to Western Canada's native orchids, including where to look for them and a few common varieties.

EcoWest News, April 19, 2022

Where would we be without water, forests, and parks? What can we do to protect them for the future? Could art and diversity be part of the solution?

It's Time to Show Mosquitoes a Little Love - Here's Why

Fernand Saurette, Winnipeg biologist and educator, says mosquito larvae are innocent and worth saving. Are there alternatives to larvicide? What role do mosquitoes play in our ecosystem? Plus, some facts about mosquitoes that may surprise you.

EcoWest News, April 12, 2022

Are you gardening for nature? Interested in repairing your own smartphone? Want to encourage your municipality to address climate change - and save $$$? This week's news from across the west and around the world is packed with useful information.
