
EcoWest News, August 30, 2022

AI, family-friendly trains, an island arts festival, sage grouse and methane emissions, fertilizer and trans-border conservation - we cover the spectrum in EcoWest News

EcoWest News, August 23, 2022

This week's EcoWest News covers parks, water treatment, zero-emission buses, electric aircraft, sustainable construction practices, and spider dreams.

Play & Learn with Nature Companion

Turn Nature Companion, a free app/website introducing many of the plants and animals found in Canada's four western provinces, into a game, a friendly family competition, or a craft project.

EcoWest News, August 16, 2022

From dog poop, herbal tea, and air conditioning to fracking, forestry, and water management - turning knowledge into solutions. News that matters to Western Canadians.

Protecting Species at Risk in Waterton Biosphere Reserve

Every living species requires a space it can call home. In Waterton Biosphere Reserve, landowners and community members are working closely with naturalists to protect trumpeter swans and northern leopard frogs.

EcoWest News, August 9, 2022

This week's top stories in EcoWest News: 1. Creating wildlife habitat on farms doesn't reduce food production. 2. Undetected methane emissions can now be tracked. 3. How and why to create a green roof.
