Welcome to EcoWest News, a weekly round-up of news and resources that you can put to use in addressing environmental issues and protecting the wild in your community.
Across the West
Manitoba’s new water policy will emphasize conservation and could include water pricing, leak repair & detection, and landscapes that reduce the need for irrigation. [CBC Manitoba]
The Neighbourhood Climate Resiliency Project will work with local organizations to develop mitigation and adaptation solutions for those who are vulnerable and living in inner-city Winnipeg. [Manitoba Eco-Network]
Environment Lethbridge’s Green Gift Guide is packed with excellent ideas for activities and adventures, homemade and green presents. [Environment Lethbridge]
Tailing ponds continue to increase in size in Alberta, despite their impact on human and wildlife health. [CPAWS Northern Alberta]
Species at risk lack legal protection in BC. “Overarching biodiversity legislation could help change the way decisions are made about resource extraction and other development projects to reduce their impacts on nature.” [The Narwhal]
Fraser Valley First Nations are questioning the human-centric reliance on dikes and dams to prevent flooding: “You’re supposed to respect that waterway and everyone else that lives there [including nonhuman beings] as much as you respect one another.” [The Narwhal]
The Port of Vancouver is lobbying for a second container terminal in the Fraser Estuary. Naturalists, scientists, and local governments say the risks to a biodiverse-rich area are far too great. [The Tyee]
Around the World
France has mandated solar panels over parking lots by 2028 at the latest. [Jalopnik]
The focus should be on restoring natural forests with a diversity of species adapted to future climatic conditions and with forest corridors to help species migrate as the climate changes. [Rewilding]
Community Action
“The decisions that local government makes about development, about transportation, about how it runs its own affairs have a huge impact on climate.” [Capital Daily]
Greater Victoria’s free Home Energy Navigator Program is designed to support homeowners undertaking an energy retrofit by providing an Energy Concierge to answer questions and provide local, expert advice. [Home Energy Navigator]
Green Infrastructure
Green Communities Canada works with local groups to address climate action priorities. Programs include active school travel, depave paradise, rain gardens and green infrastructure.
Environment Lethbridge has recently joined the Living Cities program to advance green infrastructure – wetlands, woodlands, tree-lined streets, bioswales, rain gardens, and permeable pavements.
Green Communities Canada is hosting an online workshop on Creating Living Cities in the Prairies to help Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba advance green infrastructure on Nov. 24.
Showcasing best practices, resources, and case studies, the Pathways to Living Cities Framework lays out strategies to help communities develop green infrastructure to address water quality and stormwater and flood management.
Fire Hall #2 in Richmond, BC, has a green roof and screen, a solar hot water panel, heat recovery, and pine beetle-killed wood. [Arch Daily]
Austin, Texas, has updated its development code to require green stormwater infrastructure in new developments and expanded wetland protection. [Urbanize]

We’re giving away a copy of The Masters of Nature Photography showcasing the work of 10 of the world’s top nature photographers. Share with us your love of nature by sending one of your nature photographs to ecofriendlywest@gmail.com and you’ll be entered in the draw. Deadline for submissions is December 5.
Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/apmckinlay/52416619564
EcoFriendly West informs and encourages initiatives that support Western Canada’s natural environment through its online publication and the Nature Companion website/app. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or subscribe by email.