Welcome to EcoWest News, a weekly round-up of news and resources that you can put to use in addressing environmental issues and protecting the wild in your community.

Across the West

Harbour Air’s electric float plane will make its first visit to Salt Spring Island on a scheduled route on May 5 with a tour and information session on May 6. It will be in Victoria Harbour on May 7. [Harbour Air]

We are deeply disappointed to learn the federal government has approved Roberts Bank Terminal 2 in the mouth of the Fraser. [The Narwhal] – “Ecological resilience is finite” [EcoFriendly West]

In response to a legal challenge, Chevron and Exxon have relinquished offshore oil and gas permits in sensitive marine areas off the coast of BC. [EcoJustice]

An exhibit entitled Symbiosis at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria features an interactive, full-wall simulation of a BC forest with its associated mycorrhizal network as well as life-sized models of East Coast mushrooms. [South Vancouver Island Mycological Society]

Southern Alberta’s rivers are currently unhealthy, mostly because of an overallocation of water for irrigation agriculture. [Calgary Herald]

Helium exploration in southeast Alberta threatens sage grouse habitat and intact native grasslands. [Alberta Wilderness Association]

Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation, Saskatoon, is speaking out against the use of Avitrol, a powerful neurotoxin used to control urban pigeon populations which also affects other animals and biodiversity in general. There are alternatives: removing food sources and nesting habitat, physical barriers, repellents, and fecundity control. [LSWR]

Breaking Ice, a full-length documentary, showcases the multi-disciplinary research by University of Manitoba scientists into the impact of a changing climate on Hudson Bay. [News, UManitoba]

Silica sand is a valuable resource, but mining it could contaminate a community’s water supply. An in-depth look at the proposed SioSilica mine in Manitoba. [The Narwhal]

Is your Winnipeg/Manitoba school participating in Green Kids Inc. Home Sweet Biome interactive workshop tour? There may still be some openings. [Green Kids Inc.]

Across Canada

New stamps from Canada Post feature sea otters, red-necked grebes, and their babies. [Canada Post]

Around the World

A walking forest hopes to inspire communities to re-imagine what is possible. [Dirt]

Mosquitoes represent opportunity as well as risk. 5 billion mosquitoes will help fight dengue fever in Brazil [CBC]

Green Schoolyards America offers an online resource library for planting, using, and maintaining schoolyard forests. [Green Schoolyards]

Making a Difference

A University of Saskatchewan student has helped her gurundwara (Sikh temple) become more environmentally friendly through recycling, composting, avoiding food waste, and turning off lights. [News, USask]

Six wineries and 15 vineyards are now members of Sustainable Winegrowing BC. [Sustainable Winegrowing BC]

The Framework laptop is designed to be used for a long time, to be reused, to be repaired, and – if necessary – recycled. [Framework]

Dr. Jiaying Zhao wants to show people that climate action and happiness can easily coexist. [News, UBC] Check out Dr. Zhao’s TED talk and online workshop. [TED]


The University of Manitoba offers a variety of courses addressing climate action, from animals and the law to the impact of engineering on the environment. [News, UManitoba]

The University of Victoria plans to offer a post-graduate Coastal Climate Solutions Leaders program linking the sciences, engineering, social sciences, and business. [Victoria News]

Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/apmckinlay/52109084835

EcoFriendly West informs and encourages initiatives that support Western Canada’s natural environment through its online publication and the Nature Companion website/app. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or Mastodon, or subscribe by email.