245 articles

What's in the Water?

How many times do we flush water down the drain or sewer without ever wondering where it will go and what it might affect further down the line? We spoke with Markus Brinkmann, University of Saskatchewan, about his work measuring and considering the impact of substances in waste and stormwater.

EcoWest News, March 15, 2022

From forested islands in the Salish Sea to peregrine falcons in Manitoba - news from across the West in this week's edition of EcoWest News.

Pacific Coast Seaweeds

If we were to head underwater, we would be immersed in a forest of waving leaves and branches in colours ranging from bright green to purple to dark brown and in all shapes and sizes. Seaweeds’ origins and reproductive cycle are even more remarkable.

EcoWest News, March 8, 2022

We've got books, science projects, community energy, and news from across the West in this week's edition of EcoWest News.

Bat Research & Education on the Prairies

Bats play an important role in pollination and in balancing insect populations. Organizations in western Canada are looking at where bats live, their role on farms, the impact of wind turbines, and education for pest control professionals.
