245 articles

EcoWest News, July 4, 2023

From sailing ships and sustainable travel to relocating homes, a wildlife crossing for bighorn sheep, and greener health care - EcoWest News, July 4, 2023

EcoWest News, June 27, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) SK orchids 2) Prairie sand dunes home to bees & wasps 3) green roofs for migratory birds & dragonflies 4) rain gardens remove toxic tire chemicals 4) Park(ing) Day for pollinators

EcoWest News, June 20, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Tips to beat the heat and save water; 2) Dealing with eco anxiety; and 3) Summer reading - climate fiction off the coast of BC and a mystery in Calgary’s Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

Exploring the Senses: Hot and Cold

In An Immense World, Ed Yong points out that “If you want to live in the Sahara, or at the bottom of the ocean, or on a glacier, you’d better tweak your senses to like it.” A look at how animals cope with a wide range of temperatures.

EcoWest News, June 13, 2023

The emphasis in this week’s edition of EcoWest News is on the steps we can take as individuals to protect the environment - from planning a birthday party to buying a pair of running shoes

EcoWest News, June 6, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Saskatchewan needs an effective wetlands policy; 2) Municipal conservation initiatives; 3) Protecting the world’s oceans; and 4) Sustainable consumption

Look Up, Look Around: Notice Nature Sask 2023

Notice Nature Sask, a nature-based program for kids, offers over 300 activities as well as a set of 6 guidebooks developed collaboratively by Notice Nature and EcoFriendly West
