EcoWest News, April 18, 2023
This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Calgary could have a new overpass and a new park; 2) clean energy for Vancouver’s film industry; and 3) protecting bats, frogs, and swallows.
This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Calgary could have a new overpass and a new park; 2) clean energy for Vancouver’s film industry; and 3) protecting bats, frogs, and swallows.
Coexisting with other animals isn’t easy. We love wild animals so long as they’re in the wilderness. We’re not so happy when they intrude on our human-dominated landscapes.
News for and about Western Canada: community renewable energy in Alberta, a responsible investment policy at the University of Manitoba, satellite imagery of beaver dams, right to repair legislation, newts, hummingbirds & woodpeckers
This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Artificial grass is an environmental nightmare; 2) What will it take to control beach dogs - and their owners; and 3) Welcoming insects into your garden
Practical innovations for managing stormwater, purifying drinking water, protecting wildlife, and increasing biodiversity - EcoWest News, March 28, 2023
We talked about native plants, butterflies, bees, and other pollinators on this week’s edition of Éco dans les Prairies, Radio Canada en Saskatchewan
For many communities in north-central Calgary, the Nose Creek valley is their only green space. It’s also home to wildlife and First Nations historical sites. The Save Nose Creek initiative believes protecting the area could benefit everybody, from developers to municipalities to wetlands.
Check out this week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Healing Prairie proposal, Regina; 2) Libraries Love Lakes; 3) Daylighting urban creeks; and 4) Making room for the river.
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