
Seven Little-Known Facts About Moths

We’re celebrating National Moth Week by sharing some little-known facts about an insect we regularly see in our parks and gardens.

EcoWest News, July 25, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Addressing the weather whiplash from drought to torrential rain; 2) A sustainable forestry model;and 3) Renting a bike for your kids instead of buying one

EcoWest News, July 18, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Farm visits with Regeneration Canada; 2) Addressing the pollution caused by fibreglass boats; 3) Pollinator Cafés; and 4) Water for bees and butterflies

Save Our Seine, Winnipeg

Thanks to Save Our Seine, Winnipeg’s Seine River is being restored to its rightful place at the heart of Winnipeg’s cultural and historic identity. The non-profit organization is demonstrating that you can have a thriving ecosystem in an urban zone where both humans and wildlife can thrive.

EcoWest News, July 11, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Choosing the right heat pump; 2) Establishing a community forest to attract tourists and protect the town from wildfires; and 3) Express your opinion on forever chemicals and a mine in northern SK

EcoWest News, July 4, 2023

From sailing ships and sustainable travel to relocating homes, a wildlife crossing for bighorn sheep, and greener health care - EcoWest News, July 4, 2023

EcoWest News, June 27, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) SK orchids 2) Prairie sand dunes home to bees & wasps 3) green roofs for migratory birds & dragonflies 4) rain gardens remove toxic tire chemicals 4) Park(ing) Day for pollinators
