
EcoWest News, November 14, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Alberta mayors discuss providing low-cost, environmentally friendly housing; 2) We can prevent birds and bats from crashing into turbines; and 3) Luxury for all

Casey Brennan, Conservation Director, Wildsight

Casey Brennan is the Conservation Director for Wildsight, a grassroots organization working to protect biodiversity and encourage sustainable development in BC’s Columbia and Rocky Mountain region.

EcoWest News, November 7, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Retraining Alberta’s oil and gas workers would cost only a fraction of oil and gas subsidies; 2) Prairie strips increase biodiversity and improve water quality; and 3) Researching human-bear conflict and the impact of environmental variability

EcoWest News, October 31, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Guide to excluding bats from buildings; 2) Water Security Agency prepare to drain 70% of SK’s wetlands; and 3) Imaginative educational approaches from braille maps of the solar system to role-play and treasure hunts

Acorn Trivia

Did you know? Blue jays can carry up to 5 acorns at a time. Over a lifetime, white oaks produce 3 million acorns. Acorns have been used to make flour, noodles, and a coffee substitute.

EcoWest News, October 24, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) At the Table: A Chef’s Guide to Advocacy; 2) The impact of solar development on wetlands; 3) Focusing on water and ecosystem functionality; and 4) Swimming in a galaxy of sea jellies

EcoWest News, October 17, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Agricultural greenhouse gases in Saskatchewan; 2) California passes a right-to-repair law; and 3) BC’s Interior Health adopts a climate change and sustainability roadmap
