245 articles

EcoWest News, September 6, 2022

From repairing farm equipment and riding e-bikes in national parks to oceans, plains, and mountains - EcoWest News, September 6, 2022

Looking for the Stars in Western Canada

It can be hard to spot the stars when you live in a big city surrounded by a bubble of light. Fortunately, there are a number of places where a real effort is being made to protect the dark. Here’s where they are located in Western Canada.

EcoWest News, August 30, 2022

AI, family-friendly trains, an island arts festival, sage grouse and methane emissions, fertilizer and trans-border conservation - we cover the spectrum in EcoWest News

EcoWest News, August 23, 2022

This week's EcoWest News covers parks, water treatment, zero-emission buses, electric aircraft, sustainable construction practices, and spider dreams.

Play & Learn with Nature Companion

Turn Nature Companion, a free app/website introducing many of the plants and animals found in Canada's four western provinces, into a game, a friendly family competition, or a craft project.

EcoWest News, August 16, 2022

From dog poop, herbal tea, and air conditioning to fracking, forestry, and water management - turning knowledge into solutions. News that matters to Western Canadians.

Protecting Species at Risk in Waterton Biosphere Reserve

Every living species requires a space it can call home. In Waterton Biosphere Reserve, landowners and community members are working closely with naturalists to protect trumpeter swans and northern leopard frogs.
