245 articles

EcoWest News, May 30, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Concerns about mining in Alberta and BC; 2) Keeping an eye on the birds and the bees; and 3) Resources for stargazers, property owners, and fans of butterflies.

Book Review: The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi by Keith Seifert

In The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi, Keith Seifert says we should be curious about fungi and “embrace their talents for biodegradation, symbiosis, and biochemistry that make them such significant players in the environment.”

EcoWest News, May 23, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Sustainable fashion in Manitoba; 2) Taiga Plains peatlands; 3) FedEx cargo bikes outperform expectations; and 4) Slowing down cargo ships

EcoWest News, May 16, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Adding solar and limiting upfront construction emissions; 2) Pollinator gardens are more valuable than urban bee hives; and 3) Urgent need for citizen science projects that focus on insects

Exploring the Senses: Follow that Scent

“We need to stop asking ‘How good is an animal’s sense of smell?’ Better questions would be ‘How important is smell to that animal?’ and ‘What does it use its sense of smell for?’” [An Immense World, Ed Yong]

EcoWest News, May 9, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Protecting Ricardo Ranch, AB; 2) Preventing logging in Duck Mountain Provincial Park, MB; 3) Studying Vancouver, BC’s nightlife - bats; and 4) Valuing SK’s road allowances

EcoWest News, May 2, 2023

This week’s top stories in EcoWest News: 1) Energy transition in Manitoba’s buildings and vehicles; 2) Identifying marshland birds and reptiles; 3) Messy gardens; and 4) The importance of energy efficiency.
