Welcome to EcoWest News, a weekly round-up of news and resources that you can put to use in addressing environmental issues and protecting the wild in your community.

Across the West

Premier Tech Horticulture Ltd. is proposing to harvest 68 hectares of peat near Carrot River, SK. You’re invited to provide input on the environmental impact. [Saskatchewan Publications]

Wetlands play an important role in water quality on the Prairies. Acting as sponges, they retain water and trap and remove agrichemicals or nutrients. [USask]

More than 100 bird species make their home in Manitoba’s Seal River watershed, strengthening the case for an Indigenous-led protected area. [The Narwhal]

A student at the University of Manitoba is researching bee diversity on the Prairies. His macrophotographs capture detailed images that aid in identification. [Winnipeg Free Press]

Manitoba’s new energy plan calls for 600 MW of new wind power, an exploration of neighbourhood-scale geothermal heating systems in new subdivisions, and discounted household electricity rates at off-peak hours. Environmentalists are asking for more detailed action plans. [CBC]

Alberta Beaver Beneficial Management Practices is a comprehensive guide to practices that reduce or remove risks of human-beaver conflicts while maintaining beavers on the landscape and supporting watershed health. [Working With Beavers]

The federal government has released its draft ocean noise strategy. While recommending further research, it contains no actionable recommendations to immediately reduce underwater noise levels, even as shipping traffic continues to increase. [Raincoast Conservation Foundation]

BC communities are interested in initiating a pilot project using noise cameras to identify vehicles making too much noise. [Capital Daily]

Across Canada

While Canada hopes to increase natural gas exports, a top German envoy says both Europe and Germany expect to reduce natural gas imports by 25 and 30% respectively by 2030. [CBC]

If your insurance provider is reluctant to provide coverage for solar panels and heat pumps, shop around. Other providers are ready to help out. [CBC]

Around the World

Ongoing flooding of the Danube is a result of bad land use planning and mismanagement with the loss of 15-20,000 sq km of floodplain since the 19th century. [WWF]

The fashion industry is responsible for up to 10% of global carbon emissions, 20% of industrial water pollution, and 35% of the microplastics in the ocean. Solutions need to be tailored to each specific situation; for example, designing socks for recycling but raincoats for longevity. [Anthropocene]

Two thirds of global energy production is currently wasted. A greater emphasis on energy efficiency would cut costs for all, speed up the energy transition, and protect the earth by reducing all forms of resource extraction. [RMI]

A great deal of time and money is spent controlling non-native species. A better approach might be to “prioritize the management and restoration of habitats based on the net benefit (or harm) of a species to an ecological community, instead of on the origin of the species.” [The Conversation]

Making a Difference

Community efforts to protect a bank swallow nesting site in BC have resulted in 195 breeding pairs compared to the initial 7. [Wildsight] See also: The Upper Columbia Swallow Habitat Enhancement Project [EcoFriendly West]

Nature’s Wonders

Biocrusts, found in various regions of Western Canada, are an essential element of dryland ecosystems, retaining water, preventing erosion, and enriching the soil. [Eos]

Rosemary Mosco, naturalist and cartoonist (Bird and Moon), explains her focus is on encouraging people to look at familiar creatures in new and different ways. [Audubon]

Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/apmckinlay/11673676336/

EcoFriendly West informs and encourages initiatives that support Western Canada’s natural environment through its online publication and the Nature Companion website/app. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or Mastodon, or subscribe by email.