EcoWest News, November 22, 2022

Welcome to EcoWest News, a weekly round-up of news and resources that you can put to use in addressing environmental issues and protecting the wild in your community.

Across the West

A new Indigenous Guardianship program in Manitoba’s Seal River watershed will create jobs and build long-term capacity for conservation and land stewardship, bridging Indigenous knowledge and western science. [The Narwhal]

The new Nature Manitoba Native Habitat Grant will be available to individuals or organizations who are conserving, restoring or managing native habitat in Manitoba, or who are educating others about the value of maintaining Manitoba’s native habitats. [Nature Manitoba]

A deep-energy retrofit in Edmonton has resulted in massive energy savings at a fraction of the cost and emissions of a new build. [Canadian Architect]

Nature Alberta’s Family Nature Nights are hosted free of charge in city parks across the province as a way to introduce new Canadians to unfamiliar terrain, trees, and animals.  [Nature Alberta]

Following the November 2021 flooding in BC, a group of BC organizations and experts have collaborated on a report entitled Flood Recovery, Resilience and Recognition in the Lower Fraser: Build Back Better, Together. [West Coast Environmental Law]

Across Canada

Find out how your province rates on the Canadian Energy Efficiency Scorecard. [Efficiency Canada]

Could an Indigenous-owned pipeline be a force for good? How do you weigh up financial risk vs. profit, and wealth creation vs. environmental harm? [The Walrus]

Fences can be a major barrier for deer and other wildlife. Here are tips for wildlife-friendlier fences based on height and visibility. [Frontiers in Conservation Science]


Northeast BC has produced some of the world’s largest fracking-induced earthquakes due to the “province’s experiment in unconventional shale development and large volume hydraulic fracturing.” [The Tyee]

Fracking is the probable cause of a 5.4-magnitude earthquake in Texas. Fracking has also been connected with premature deaths, contaminated air and water. [Gizmodo]

Inconvenient Truths

A 22 lb. dog eating 500 calories/day of dry food creates nearly a ton of CO2 emissions a year but more than 7 tons a year when fed a wet diet, almost as much as the average Brazilian citizen. There are estimated to be more dogs in Brazil than children. [Mother Jones]

Nature’s Wonders

A Costa’s Hummingbird, native to the southwestern United States and western Mexico, will be spending the winter in Saskatoon. [CBC]

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EcoFriendly West informs and encourages initiatives that support Western Canada’s natural environment through its online publication and the Nature Companion website/app. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or subscribe by email.