EcoWest News, December 12, 2023

Welcome to EcoWest News, a weekly round-up of news and resources that you can put to use in addressing environmental issues and protecting the wild in your community.

Across the West

ClimateWest is calling for project proposals that will advance climate adaptation in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. [Climate West]

An inside look at the struggle to save the northern spotted owl, Canada’s most endangered bird. [Pique Newsmagazine]

A film series showcasing farms committed to sustainable practices will feature 3 Manitoba farms: Back to Roots, Wilfred Harder, and Ferme Fiola. [NFU]

The Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation on the west coast of Vancouver Island plan to buy out forestry tenures and establish salmon parks. “90 per cent of salmon productivity in the region can be protected by setting aside 20 per cent of the watersheds – especially those where glacier-fed rivers offer the greatest climate resiliency.” [The Globe and Mail]

Across Canada

Developing marine renewable energy projects (offshore wind, tidal, wave) will require careful planning to avoid risks and the establishment of a legal framework. [West Coast Environmental Law]

Around the World

Bristol, UK, is employing individual heat pumps, district heat networks, and a 3 MW water source heat pump drawing water from a nearby harbour. [Bristol City Leap, Vitalenergi]

A Swiss canton has installed vertical solar panels on a roadside retaining wall, contributing to its target of generating 40% of its electricity from renewables by 2035. [The Energy Mix]

Volunteer conservation efforts continue in the Danube delta despite ongoing war in the region. [Hakai Magazine]

6.7 million hobbyists worldwide have salt-water aquariums, fueling a $2 billion industry and the transportation of more than 100 million specimens a year. The people involved – “from Indonesian villagers earning money by collecting reef crabs to wealthy aquarium owners—could serve as advocates for conserving the reefs on which this industry depends.” [Anthropocene]

Making a Difference

A realtor recognized an opportunity that would benefit nature and his client. The result is a new conservation area in BC’s Columbia Valley. [102.9 Rewind Radio]

29 US cities have certified as Dark Sky Communities and say it comes with many benefits, including reduced energy consumption, lower electricity bills, healthier residents, improved environmental protection, increased eco tourism, and safer streets. [Smart Cities Dive]

Luton, UK’s Climate Change Teacher Champions program offers a training program and one-on-one support to assist schools in establishing a climate action plan for their school. [Earthbound Report]

Published in 1962, Silent Spring by Rachel Carson was enormously influential in raising awareness of the harm caused by pesticides and led to DDT being banned worldwide. [The Starfish]


Five people spent a month trying out sustainable fashion fixes: spot cleaning, mending, wardrobe audit, resale, and alterations. [The Guardian]

Nature’s Wonders

If the skies at night are clear this week, be sure to head outside to view the Geminid meteor shower. It will be at its peak on Wednesday night and early Thursday morning. [CBC]

Soil is filled with life and so much more than bits of rock and dust. “It’s never been more important to steward this common resource of a healthy soil, as a matter of climate justice and food justice.” [Yes Magazine]

There’s a new baby orca swimming in the Salish Sea. [Times Colonist]

This is the last issue of EcoWest News for 2023. We’ll be in holiday mode for the next three weeks with interesting and unexpected items for you to enjoy on Tuesdays.

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EcoFriendly West informs and encourages initiatives that support Western Canada’s natural environment through its online publication and the Nature Companion website/app. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or Mastodon, or subscribe by email.